How bulb Digital Portfolios Fit Into A Student’s Remote Learning Journey

Digital portfolios allow teachers to track student growth and assess competencies, even remotely. With the ability to create personalized learning environments for each student, digital portfolios help to give students a voice and choice with their learning. In the infographic below we demonstrate how digital portfolios fit into a student’s remote learning journey.

1. The teacher gives an assignment.

The learning journey begins in one of two places, through a learning management system or directly in bulb.

  1. With an LMS, teachers assign work to be done in bulb and keep track of student grades within the system.
  2. Without an LMS, teachers create and assign work through their bulb class group.

2. The student researches & creates content.

Today’s students have more access to information and inspiration than ever before. The digital era has introduced new ways to expand knowledge and gain perspective. For example, students can discover new content and create their own with apps like Google Drive, Adobe Suites, YouTube, Flipgrid, Quizlet, and Nearpod. With so much access to content and information, it leaves us with this question —where is the best place to maintain, synthesize, and curate it all?

3. The student brings their learning together.

A digital portfolio is where learning comes together. bulb integrates with 1900+ apps, helping students embed their research and content to show process and progression. For example, here are some ways bulb users bring their learning together:

  • Primary students document development by photographing their handwriting and recording themselves reading throughout the school year. They use bulb as the place to store these pieces of content to refer back to.
  • Secondary students compile their class notes from Quizlet, Evernote and other apps, along with their assignments they completed in bulb to create helpful study guides.
  • Higher education students use bulb to complete capstone projects. bulb allows them to compile research, write their final paper, and display other multimedia artifacts in one place.

4. The student completes the assignment.

Students submit a one-of-a-kind bulb page via an integrated LMS or to their bulb class group. Students, their peers, and teachers can provide feedback via bulb’s in-line commenting feature. They can also easily share their work with people outside of their class using private share links.

Explore the Resource Center for more helpful resources. Or contact us to set up a demo. 

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